Chomesh l'Chinuch

New Sign-Up Bonus Scheme Launches

New Sign-Up Bonus Scheme Launches 21st January 2019 Now’s the time to join Chomesh L’Chinuch! Thanks to our sponsors Delapage, BEST and Achisomoch, each new Standing Order will receive a £500 bonus allocated to a school of your choice. If the Standing Order is from a new BEST account, BEST will increase the bonus by an… Continue reading New Sign-Up Bonus Scheme Launches

Maaser Kesofim calculating and giving the correct amount of maaser

These weeks are a particularly opportune time to calculate the correct amount of Ma‘aser Kesofim due on their total income for the year and ensure that they donate this ma‘aser amount in full to suitable beneficiaries. To facilitate the computation of how much Ma‘aser is due, we have developed a series of spreadsheets where you can input details of your income, expenditure and capital gains on the spreadsheets… Continue reading Maaser Kesofim calculating and giving the correct amount of maaser

Chomesh l'Chinuch