We would encourage you all to join this programme by setting up a regular monthly payment, as this will ensure that our schools can receive a regular income and plan their budget and teaching resources accordingly.
To join Chomesh L’Chinuch, please follow two easy steps: Set-up and Inform
Setup Your Donation
To instruct them to set up a monthly standing order request to be credited to Chinuch 20 Ltd (or for Charity Voucher companies, make payable to «EAYC CLC»)
— Sort Code 23-05-80, Account Number 28274319
— Using Reference EAYC CLC (and your name)»
We recommend to setup Standing Orders where possible, either via your bank or Achisomoch with the above details.
Note: Achisomoch clients may request, by contacting the Achisomoch office, to set up a Percentage Standing Order, whereby your chosen percentage (eg 20%) of your future deposits to Achisomoch are automatically transferred to Chomesh Chinuch.
Once you have set up your donations, please email [email protected] to inform the Chomesh L’Chinuch office that you have set up your donations for EAYC Chomesh L’Chinuch.
You may include in your email, the guidance to Chomesh L’Chinuch, to distribute your donations to specific school(s), please inform us which school(s) and what percentage. Otherwise your donation will be allocated as part of the general EAYC Chomesh L’Chinuch fund to schools in proportion to those attended by the children and grandchildren of our kehilloh.
Mrs Jacqueline Rashbass
Chair of Finance Committee, Hasmonean High School
The extra funds [from Chomesh L’Chinuch] make a real difference to our
student’s lives. Chomesh L’Chinuch is something incredible.
Allan Becker
Chairman, Board of Governors, Menorah Grammar School
Mr J Wolinsky
Chair of Governors, Menorah Primary School
Mrs S Kelaty
Chair of Governors, Noam Primary School
Mr Moishe Lisser
Chairman, Pardes House Grammar
Mr Jonny Feinmesser
Governor, Trustee of the Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust
No longer is the tremendous financial burden sitting solely on the shoulders of just a few governors, but the NW London Kehilla has come together to take part in the responsibility of ensuring our children have the best possible Chinuch and don’t have to chas vesholom do “without” due to financial restrictions. We wish to express our deepest הכרת הטוב to the committee and each and every donor, knowing you care and the support you have shown us, is what gives us the chizuk to continue in our עבודת הקודשׁ. May you continue to go מחיל לחיל.
יהי רצון שתשרה שכינה במעשי ידיך
Eli Inglis
Governor, Beis Yaakov Primary School
Mr Benzi Adler
Governor, Menorah High School for Girls
Mr Andrew Sprung
Chair of Governors, Pardes House Primary School
Yitschok Mett
Governor, Torah Vodaas Primary School:
Uri Kaplan
Chair of Governors, Avigdor Hirsch Torah Temimah School
Richard Denton
Governor, Noam Primary School